Used under poles or by themselves, fillers add interest and substance to otherwise plain and airy pole jumps.
Remember to consider safety when jump building. For example, watch out for materials that could make sharp edges if your friend's horse crash-lands in the middle. Avoid gaps just the right width to get a hoof stuck. Prefer using screws to nails and check over jumps for wear from time to time.
Remember to consider safety when jump building. For example, watch out for materials that could make sharp edges if your friend's horse crash-lands in the middle. Avoid gaps just the right width to get a hoof stuck. Prefer using screws to nails and check over jumps for wear from time to time.

Over the Rainbow!
I made this from two 2' diameter ALREADY ROUND pieces of wood I got from Lowes (like a table top blank) I cut them in half (had to brush off my geometry!)
I cut nine 8' 2 x 3" boards in half and used 2 1/2" deck screws through the ends to attach them (so make sure they're all the same length!) The bottom boards are treated 2 x 6's (so they can sit in the dirt). They lift the round ends off the ground a few inches. We can't paint those til they dry in 6 months!
I made this from two 2' diameter ALREADY ROUND pieces of wood I got from Lowes (like a table top blank) I cut them in half (had to brush off my geometry!)
I cut nine 8' 2 x 3" boards in half and used 2 1/2" deck screws through the ends to attach them (so make sure they're all the same length!) The bottom boards are treated 2 x 6's (so they can sit in the dirt). They lift the round ends off the ground a few inches. We can't paint those til they dry in 6 months!

The handles are rope with knots on the inside to hold them on. This is handy because they squish down and are safe. And much easier to do than other sorts of handles (no jigsaw or special hardware needed).
The colored paint is just Wal-mart acrylics.
The colored paint is just Wal-mart acrylics.
Wooden pallet, add feet. Prime grey, paint gray. Faux rock paint. Holes across top hold flowers or greenery.
Two walls, 3 segments each. From 3 free solid pallets (solid on 1 side) cut into unequal parts. Faux finished for brick or stone look.
How to make a stone wall from a pallet INSTRUCTIONS HERE
How to make a stone wall from a pallet INSTRUCTIONS HERE
Brush Boxes

A larger version made with 2x4s is a Gate Holder (notice no jump cup holding up the gate).

Plank holder with slide-in fence boards. Brush boxes turned sideways as "wings".
Blue flower box with various size holes and lots of fake flowers. So Springy! They make Dexter sproing.
GateSandwich plastic lattice between 1 x 4's (top) and 1 x 2's (side, bottom). Lattice is 8' wide, pole is 10'. Paint wood white.
Hanging Panel
Free-standing gate

Put it under poles or on its own. Made from a free pallet that came under lawn edging. It's quite solid. All I did was paint it, put on feet, and drill holes in the cross-pieces for plants or flowers.